在中英互译中,断句法是一种较为常见的方法。通常,在翻译一长句时,会出于中英语的用语习惯,或是表达逻辑,将句子分成两个分句,或是两个以上的分句。不过,由于译者在理解方面可能支出现 一些错误,造成分句错误,使得译文的句子与原文在意思层面出现了重大的错误。
这句话里有几个偏难的词或者词组。现在大家再看一下这个句子。Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective, a strain of critical opinion in the 1920 s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that would soon fade from sight, just as had many previous attempts, dating well back before the First World War, to link images with recorded sound.
It was a novel without a plot and with only one character, being, indeed, simply a psychological study of a certain young Parisian who spent
No member of the Board or a conciliation board, conciliation officer, conciliation commissioner, officer or employee employed by the Board o
Welcome to MyOasisNZ channel.问学英语时遇到不认识的长句怎么办?学英语遇到不认识的长句时,可以采用以下方法:1 先读一遍整个句子,尝试理解大意。2 使用上下文线索,尝试猜测不认识的单词或词组的意思。3 使用字典或在线翻译工具查询生词的含义。
简写法,即先用字母简写单词之后再完善补充,这样听写就容易跟上啦。方法如下:一、 缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。很显然如果能熟练掌握缩略词,会对考试大有裨益。
These letters are filled with his wrestling with the consequences of being the part-private, part-public creature that he became, desperate