作者 | 周雨禾编辑 | 顾 鸽11月16日,一条金莎谈女孩单身原因的话题,上了微博热搜。在回答一个采访问题时,她说:“28岁母胎solo(该词源自韩国,年龄等于单身时间的人被称为母胎solo)的女孩肯定是出门少了,或者一直在追星,心中有一个完美的偶像,但生活中遇见的人都有缺点。
范文1:Jennifer Lawrence is a great actress of the present time and she is also a highly paid actress. She has a pretty look with a distinctive style of her own. In fact, she gets the highest payment for her successful roles in movies such as Katniss in The Hungry Games. She was the youngest actress to get nominated for two Academy Awards at a time. I admire her because of her intelligence and acting skills.
十四,我们之间最好的距离就是观众席到舞台,请你不要再诱惑我了!The best distance between us is from the audience to the stage. Please don't tempt me again!