在购买力平价方面,中国的国内生产总值已经超过了美国。Speaking of international influence. China has led many countries to develop together, and its voice in the international community is becoming increasingly influential. It also plays an important role in some international organizations. The United States is concerned that China's actions may alter the existing international order and not align with its interests. Although India is also active internationally, the growth rate and scope of its influence still cannot compare to China, and it has not made the United States so nervous.
截止2019年,中国的GDP已经是14万亿美元,美国是21万亿,中国已经达到了美国的70%,而由于GDP算法不同,中国的实际GDP比14万亿还要更高,如果按照平价购买力比较,更是实际上已经超过美国,妥妥的世界第一,如此巨大的经济体量和发展趋势, 依然保持着6%的发展速度,我想美国想不怕也不可能吧。