有时候,别人信任你,不是说你有多少钱,也不说你年龄多大,而是因为,你是一个稳重的人。As you get older, you will find that your circle becomes smaller and smaller, and your friends become fewer and fewer. I dare not listen to the songs before, but I can't understand the songs now. Once upon a time, I fell in love with being alone. I no longer yearned for the bustling crowd, but I was more willing to be alone quietly. No need to pretend, no need to please, no need to consider, no need to explain. It feels good to be alone. Do what you love and meet the people you like. It doesn't matter, more money, less money, enough to spend. It doesn't matter, the room is big but small, just warm. Stay away from the world and hate intrigue. Don't want to disturb anyone, and don't want to be disturbed by anyone.
凡事不逞强,才能行稳致远。 作者:洞见·纯香你的身边,有没有这样的人?明明做错了事情,却死活不肯低头;明明不懂的东西,非要假装很懂。做任何事情,都喜欢强出头;在别人面前,永远不甘示弱。他们看起来很强大,实则不堪一击。鬼谷子曾说:“欲高反下,欲取反与。”善于示弱,才是真正的强者。