中新社北京10月31日电 (记者 李纯)“几件美制武器无法改变两岸军事力量对比态势,更阻挡不了中国终将统一的历史大势。”在中国国防部10月31日举行的例行记者会上,新闻发言人张晓刚回答美对台军售有关问题时如是指出。当天有记者问,据报道,美国国防部宣布批准价值19.
国防部:几件美制武器无法改变两岸军事力量对比态势。The US has reneged on its own promise and is intensifying efforts to arm Taiwan, emboldening the “Taiwan independence”separatist forces and pushing Taiwan closer towards the abyss of military conflict. The DPP authorities purchased weapons to solicit US support, allowing the US to exploit the hard-earned money of the people in Taiwan to feed its military-industrial complex. Records have proven time and again that the “Taiwan independence”separatists and foreign interference are the source of chaos that undermine the status quo,cause cross-strait crisis, and disrupt regional stability.