如何从man开始巧记10个单词?这些单词都是以man为开头或结尾的,有些是名词,有些是动词,有些是形容词。man: 男人,人类。这是一个很常见的单词,你一定很熟悉。它可以用来指代一个成年男性,也可以用来泛指人类。例如:He is a good man. 他是一个好人。
When she thought she was going to go for it, she was surprised to find that he said, “I'm not going to date you,” thus ending the relationship.一旦捅破了一个点,就意味着早晚要全线失守。
陈道明是小编认为很有男人味的男人在英语怎么描述(1) 有男人味的男生(a) masculine (adj.)很有男人味的,有肌肉的(b) macho (adj.)比masculine还更有男人味的,有肌肉的e.g.
*vat [væt] n. 大桶,大缸,大罐;还原式染料;v. 放入大缸中相关词组短语:vat color 瓮染料;瓮染布材料;瓮色素dye vat 染缸dye vat 染缸.* salt [sɔːlt; sɒlt] n. 盐;风趣,刺激性;adj. 咸水的;含盐的,咸味的;盐腌
As the constellation of Orion sets eac night in the west, another constellation can be seen rising in the east. It is the Scorpion, chasing him across the sky.
ADJ Something that is described as giant is much larger or more important than most others of its kind. 巨大的;转载《有道词典》,如有侵权请通知删除。