e.g. Our office drama queen yet again made the melodramatic declaration that she was contemplating suicide.我们办公室的“影后”又一次在危言耸听了: 这回她说她准备自杀。
Despite having many origins and legends surrounding it, the festival is today acknowledged and celebrated by most Chinese in memory of Qu, who lived in the latter part of the Warring States Period .
为帮助英语初学者轻松的记忆单词,我们整理归纳了15个以字母"C"开头的英语词根及其解释和相关单词:Cad-:堕落、下降例如:cadaver (尸体)、cadence (节奏)、decadence (衰落)Celer-:快速例如:celerity (迅速)、accelerate (
The listener deciphers what you said according to his own reference of blueness and transmits it to you in his own cipher.
possible targeted measures against individual leaders who aid or abet the commission of acts of piracy or who benefit from the proceeds of piracy;除非邦特兰当局有明显的改进,否则禁止对其安全部门提供支助。
Be sure to make it clear and concise and avoid lengthiness. 除了内容简明扼要,写文章还要求用词准确, precise,pre-表示“before”,先前,precise就是预先切掉不正确的,剩下的就是精确的,准确的意思。