可能考虑到入门用户升级电脑的兼容性需求,主板还配备了一个远古VGA接口,其他的接口包括2 x USB 2.0、1 x PS2、Wi-Fi天线接口、1 x VGA接口、1 x HDMI接口、1 x DP接口、3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1接口、1 x USB-C 3.2 Gen 1、1 x RJ45网络接口、3个音频接口。
此前在测试技嘉的Z790主板时就介绍过他们家的DDR5内存高带宽与低延迟模式,实际上这一功能并不只存在于Z790主板上,其实该功能并不只存在于高端主板上,实际上技嘉的DDR5主板都配备这一功能,现在要测试的技嘉B760M GAMING AC作为一款千元级的主流主板也拥有着一功能,而且它还拥有相当强大的内存超频能力。
主板板载了1条PCIe 4.0×16显卡插槽和1条PCIe 3.0×1插槽,目前PCIe 4.0规格还是足够的,应付RTX 4090级别的旗舰卡完全没问题,而且它还配置了PCI-E EZ-Latch快易拆接口,拆装显卡比较方便。
与其他技嘉主板相比,这款主板的设计风格明显不同,它既没有采用传统技嘉主板的黑灰配色,也没引入近期比较流行的黑白风格,而是采用了醒目的橙红色散热片,同时主板的内存插槽、显卡插槽也采用了这种配色,让这款主板看上去更加活泼,结合其小巧的Micro ATX板型设计,技嘉B760M GAMING AC魔鹰WIFI主板给人的感觉就是一位红黑小精灵。
不久微软也公布了相关内容 ,其中关于默认值的部分值得关注:Recommended Defaults for Enabling/Disabling Virtualization Extensions. The default setting of this switch requires some thought. Consider the costs of disabling Intel Virtualization Technology/AMD Virtualization through a system firmware setting: If these facilities are disabled by default in system firmware, users would have to explicitly enable that support on each platform instance for legitimate uses, which would represent a significant challenge for enterprises that have thousands of machines and plan on using the hardware extensions. The cost of enabling virtualization hardware support through a manual system firmware setting would result in an increase in deployment time and cost. This cost can be mitigated through the use of various in-band and out-of-band mechanisms for remote management. Given the current usage model for the virtualization extensions, we believe that the following default settings are the right ones for system firmware: For systems that are destined for a server role , enable the virtualization extensions. The threat of running malicious code as an administrator on servers is reduced through Windows Server policies and organizational best practices. For systems that are destined for a client role, disable the virtualization extensions. For systems that might be deployed in either a server or client role , it would be prudent to disable the extensions by default. As always, the exception to any guideline is when a customer specifically indicates to a manufacturer that they do not want to follow that guideline.