“You'll see them when they're hunting, they're all spread out over maybe a kilometre, all checking the ice independently of each other by spy hopping and checking for seals. As soon as one finds it, it drops down and then they all disappear, and it's because that one's obviously letting out a call to say 'I've found one'. They all come over, and then before they start wave washing, there's this period where they're all looking and it's very slow and methodical, and clearly, they're chatting about how they're going to do it, which angle to come from. Everyone always wants to know how smart wild animals are and, to me, that’s most incredible display of animal intelligence.”
夏天,月光下的特拉华湾海滩是成千上万鲎(俗称马蹄蟹)的天下。大自然保护协会(TNC)的协调员Moses Katkowski说,鲎们聚集到这里仅仅为了一件事:交配。和近4亿年前的祖先一样,鲎每年都来这片海滩繁衍后代。它们很有可能是地球上持续交配活动最长纪录的保持者。
来源:【云新闻】2019 年世界自然保护联盟将中国鲎(hòu)定为“濒危”级别并将 6 月 20 日定为世界鲎日大多数人都对这类动物不甚了解甚至连认识这个字的人都不多然而它与我们每个人的生活乃至性命都紧密相关而云南也与它“缘分”不浅鲎是什么?