Reshuffle的英文解释:an occasion when the positions of people or things within a particular group are changed。
My name is Leon. I am American and I have 7 years of experience teaching English to both adults and children. I also have 2 years of experience managing an English academy. I taught in South Korea for 2 years before coming to China. Currently I teach university students. My main interest is helping students enjoy learning English through extensive reading and discussion of stories, which has been proven to be very effective at improving ESL learner’s abilities.
an in-text citation和a reference citation,这二者一定是配对出现的,所有的文内引用,在文献列表中都要列出来,反过来,所有在文献列表中列出来的都要在文中引用中标识出来。
改革开放以来,特别是进入21世纪以来,我国在教育评价制度改革方面作了许多探索,取得积极进展。Strengthening education is fundamental to our pursuit of national rejuvenation. We must give priority to education, speed up its modernization, and develop education that people are satisfied with. We should fully implement the Party's education policy, foster virtue through education, enhance our students' well-rounded development, promote fairness in education, and nurture a new generation of capable young people who have a good and all-round moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetical grounding and are well-prepared to join the socialist cause.——2017年10月18日,习近平在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告。