相关成果以“A Flexible Catheter-Based Sensor Array for Upper Airway Soft Tissues Pressure Monitoring”为题,发表在《Nature Communications》上。
论文以“Large Breathing Effect in ZIF-65 with Expansion and Contraction of the SOD Cage”为题发表在国际top期刊《Nature Communications》上。
AI, robotics, AI and cognitive science, human-robot interaction, machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, robot learning, artificial neural networks, symbolic reasoning, computer vision, natural language processing, genetic and evolutionary computing, neuro-inspired computing, humanoid robots, swarm robotics, bio-inspired robotics, soft robotics, multi-agent systems and so on.
相关研究成果以“Drug screening on digital microfluidics for cancer precision medicine”为题发表在Nature Communications期刊上。
文 |《中国科学报》记者 冯丽妃今年3月,美国罗切斯特大学朗加·迪亚斯(Ranga Dias)团队一篇前沿性的论文——室温超导研究,前脚在《自然》杂志发表,后脚就引起一片质疑声。这与迪亚斯团队的“黑历史”不无关系。