日期:2025年3月3日一、俄乌冲突:停火条件分歧加剧,战事持续胶着1. 俄罗斯提出停战条件遭拒俄罗斯近期提出停火条件,要求乌克兰让出五个地区控制权、放弃加入北约并建立“去纳粹化”政权,但遭到乌方坚决拒绝。
deepened strategic communication with European countries, and engaged in exchanges with defense authorities and militaries from dozens of other countries.Second, safeguarding national sovereignty and security. We lodged diplomatic representations and released information in a timely way to respond to provocations and violations made by certain countries on the Taiwan question and the South China Sea issue, refuting the wrong words and deeds of relevant parties.Third, expanding multilateral diplomacy. As the host, the Chinese military successfully held the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum and the West Pacific Naval Symposium. We also had active participation in multilateral events like the Shangri-La Dialogue and the Defense Ministers’ Meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to make our voice heard on multilateral stages.Fourth, deepening cooperation on joint training and exercises. For the first time, our troops participated in Exercise Peace Unity in Africa and Exercise Formosa in Brazil, which contributed to regional peace and stability.Fifth, fulfilling the responsibilities of a major country. China’s Blue Helmets stayed on their combat posts in war zones;