在日常的邮件还有会话当中我们总是会使用一些英文的缩写就连讲话的时候也难免会夹带些今天就来学习一下办公室这些常用的英文用语吧~FYI/FYRFYI=foryour informationFYR所表达的意思也是相近的就是表示“供你参考”的意思常常会出现在邮件当中如果在协助同事工作的时
来源:半导体照明网以下文章来源于云知光照明微课堂 ,作者徐庆辉编辑手记:众所周知,LED作为发光二极管,经常被应用到各种的照明系统中,小到某个电路板,大到灯饰灯具,到目前已有贴片灯珠、COB集成灯珠等,不同类型的LED会被应用于不同的场合。
01华山之约:IMD PK COB 谁更胜一筹?最近几年,COB以各种技术优势吊打传统SMD的观点层出不穷,作为LED显示圈近年来的话题之王,COB仿佛天生的流量担当,业界也普遍认同,产业革命是必然,未来COB必将大有可为。然而事情真的会如此顺利吗?
英:STN has nematic LC which can twist from 180 degrees to 270 degrees or uses namatic LC display type. With a fixed angle, the straight polarizer shoots on to the axis of the LC molecule and because of the birefringence property, the straight polarizer becomes ellipse polarizer. By utilizing the existence of electrical field to control the LC molecule to stay in between the STN structure and vertical orientation, STN can be drove from the property of birefringence. Generally, they are in either yellow or blue color, and it can display white color when special phase film or compensated LC board. This also applies to color display. Comparing with TN, it has a wider viewing angle, but the disadvantage is slow in response speed.
Cobweb diagrams are also called spider diagrams, star diagrams, network diagrams, radar diagrams , irregular polygons, polar diagrams or Kiviat diagrams. As the name suggests, the spider graph is a graphical method of displaying multivariate data in the form of a two-dimensional chart of three or more quantitative variables on an axis starting from the same point. The relative positions and angles of the shafts are usually uninformed. It is equivalent to a parallel coordinate diagram, with the axes arranged radially.