【环球网综合报道】据英国《每日邮报》2月4日报道,近日,美国27岁女演员佐伊•克拉维茨(Zoe Kravitz)登上《Teen Vogue》杂志3月刊封面,展示素颜之美。作为摇滚巨星兰尼•克拉维茨(Lenny Kravitz)的女儿,佐伊一直特立独行。
佐伊·克拉维兹(Zoë Kravitz)在光辉生涯中穿过20件最大胆的衣服佐伊·克拉维兹(Zoë Kravitz)18K黄金文胸Zoë Kravitz穿了一些大胆的衣服佐伊·克拉维茨(ZoëKravitz)在红毯上穿着暴露而大胆的服装并不陌生。
近日《新蝙蝠侠》新任猫女佐伊·克拉维茨登上《ELLE》杂志3月刊,绝美写真图曝光。《新蝙蝠侠》确定引进中国国内,该片将于3月1日在韩国上映,3月2日在中国台湾上映,3月4日在北美上映,4月19日上线HBO Max。
Turning Redis the first Pixar animation to be directed solely by a woman, the first to be set in Canada, and the first to revolve around a heroine from an Asian family: the heroine in question is Mei Lee , who turns into a huge, shaggy red panda whenever she is stressed. Another thing that setsTurning Redapart from previous Pixar films is its visual style. The director, Domee Shi, was inspired by the Japanese cartoons she watched when she was Mei's age in the early 2000s. “Mei Lee is this bubbly, confident but super-dorky 13-year-old Asian kid in Canada,” Shi toldThe Wrap, “and what does that look like?