Hani autonomous county of Mojiang, southwest China's Yunnan province is located on the northern tropic. Every year on the Summer Solstice, the sun sits directly over the Tropic of Cancer and returns from north to south. Then, the amazing phenomenon known as “upright pole with no shadows” occurs.
高温也不要烦躁哦,一起学学“夏至”相关的英语表达吧,用英语一起吐槽这炎炎酷暑~Tourists walk near the Palma de Mallorca Cathedral in Mallorca, Spain, June 17, 2021. REUTERS/Enrique Calvo。
In some provinces, it is customary to eat cold noodles during the summer solstice. According to the old customs in Beijing, people will eat cold noodles to stimulate their appetite every summer solstice, and at the same time they don't have to worry about diarrhea.
今日夏至,表示炎热的夏天已经到来啦!在英文里,夏至可以这样表达:the Summer Solstice。炎炎夏日,除了太阳镜防晒霜,你还能想到哪些跟夏天有关的表达呢?小编为大家整理了几个跟“夏天”有关的表达,是时候拿出来提高“逼格”了。
河南日报客户端记者 张蕊夏至,二十四节气中的第十个节气,也是夏季的第四个节气,于今年6月21日开始。夏至是二十四节气中最早被确定的节气之一,这一天太阳直射北回归线,北半球各地的白昼时间达到全年最长。“至者,极也”,阳气在夏至达到顶点,盛夏由此开始,雨热共季,万物繁茂。
例:Grain in Ear is the cut-off point for planting crops when the survival rate of crops is high at this time, it also means that the weather getting hot.此时身自得,难更与人同。
The poet Fan Chengda in the Southern Song Dynasty wrote in Rejoicing Over the Sunny Day,南宋范成大《喜晴》诗中写道:“
红网时刻新闻记者 陈珉颖 任晔 长沙报道Summer Solstice,one of the 24 Chinese traditional solar terms, is the day of the year with the longest day time.
作者:曾泰元 上海杉达学院英语系教授二十四节气的英译还处于调整的阶段。有几个已逐渐形成共识,包括雨水、谷雨、白露、寒露。有几处英译或可再行推敲,包括芒种、惊蛰、清明、小满、处暑、霜降。大雪已至。回想近两年前的北京冬奥会,于立春开幕,仪式上的二十四节气倒计时仍令人回味。