The code of conduct for doctors should be one of caution in speech and action, refraining from casual jokes, noise, discussing others' shortcomings, or boasting about their own reputation. They should never slander or attack other doctors to exaggerate their own achievements. When successfully treating a patient, they should not become self-congratulatory or arrogantly satisfied, considering themselves unmatched. These are bad habits that doctors must overcome. Laozi once said, “When a person openly does good deeds, people will naturally repay him;
《备急千金要方》历代都有再版刊行。资料图■ 蒙乐生《备急千金要方》,简称《千金要方》,是中国传统医疗与保健系列丛书之一,是“药王”孙思邈用毕生心血著成的医学巨著,全书30卷,集唐代以前诊治经验之大成,对后世医家的影响极大。