小朋友们好,我是小美老师~,今天我们来听绘本故事:Henry and the Frog夏日阳光明媚,Henry小朋友去上学。在路上,Henry遇到了一只青蛙,这只青蛙跟着Henry来到了教室。同学们又惊讶又好奇,叽叽喳喳的讨论起来。青蛙在教室里出现,这对小朋友们来说可是件大事!
迪斯尼动画《公主与青蛙》英语学习笔记 【电影片段台词】- Tiana! Naveen! - Louis, what is it? - Shadow Man lay poor Ray low!- Ray? - He's hurtin' awful bad。- Hey, sug'!
今天分享一篇阅读理解,可以学完动物话题后进行配套阅读,也可以作为日常的阅读材料。每日10分钟英语阅读,养成习惯,孩子的英语学习不用愁。这篇文章的题目是:At the pond图片来源于网络 先来读文章:图片来源于网络 1.
每天10分钟,带你读个精彩故事,点击右上角关注我吧!点击可收听绘本音频:《Froggy Gets Dressed》是一本好评如潮的经典绘本,入选了纽约公共图书馆100本必读绘本。阅读这本绘本,小朋友可以认识到许多穿着衣物的英文表达。
例句:如果他们纵容自己呆在校园提供的安全感里,他们就会变成井底之蛙,永远无法抓住适应社会的机会。But if they indulge in this sense of security the campus provides for them, they will become a frog in a well, never catching the opportunity to adapt to society.
生活英语 1000 句:青蛙。英语摩耳朵。frog-青蛙。jump-跳。croak-呱呱叫。pond-池塘。legs-腿。green-绿色的。Frogs are green and live in ponds.青蛙是绿色的,生活在池塘里。
Grandpa Pig: Peppa, the butterfly thinks you're a flower. 佩奇,蝴蝶以为你是一朵花。Peppa: I'm not a flower!I'm Peppa Pig!
Long ago and far away, there lived a princess. On her birthday the Queen said,“I promise to give you any toy you want.”
The Frog and the Ox青蛙和牛(中)The two Frogs follow the Ox from behind when suddenly the Ox turns around. Baby Frog doesn't see the Ox's hoofs.
The Frog and the Ox青蛙和牛(下)The Mother Frog puffs up her belly.于是青蛙妈妈鼓起她的肚子。Mother Frog: Was it this big?青蛙妈妈:有这么大吗?