当海蒂告诉她自己的愿望是写故事,却被班上同学嘲笑,她疑惑不解时,老奶奶循循善诱:If something in life brings you joy, then you simply have to do it, regardless of what people say.
本期我们来聊聊一个讨厌的行为——剧透!咔咔看剧特别喜欢看一些刑侦类的剧,虽然看得害怕,看完还不敢晚上一个人上厕所,但是就是忍不住想看!简直自虐!看刑侦剧的时候最讨厌弹幕里面有剧透啦,第1集就给你剧透,凶手就是他!简直忍不住狠狠给他翻一个白眼Roll my eyes hard!
iWeekly本月,美国食物垃圾治理组织ReFED(Rethink Food Waste Through Economics and Data)发布最新报告,称美国每年花费约2180亿美元(约合人民币14128亿元)用于种植、加工和运输无人问津的食物,也就是食物垃圾。
Heidi, Girl of the Alps, the character Heidi has always been a ball of positive energy that, through her sweetness and innocence, inadvertently improves the more complicated characters around her. Simple yet affecting, this film is an unassuming delight for both adults and children.海蒂,这位阿尔卑斯姑娘,她甜美天真,永远充满了正能量。
————————————[–]Spursyungtaxpayer 6356 指標 3 天前 Kyrie's father wanted a bigger role in the organization and did not appreciate LeBron's friend
定位: The horse is situated 2.5 km from Uffington Village on a steep slope close to the Late Bronze Age* hillfort of Uffington Castle and below the Ridgeway, a long-distance Neolithic track.
Abat out of hell 飞速移动的人或物If someone is moving extremely fast, they are called "a bat out of hell."如果某人移动得非常迅速,他们就被称为a bat out of hell。