“bunk” /bʌŋk/逃跑或逃避。举个例子:“He was supposed to help with the project, but he did a bunk when the work got tough.”
Ladybugs love to snack on aphids and other pests. So people began importing an Asian species called the harlequin ladybird as natural pest control. But in their new environments, the harlequins wiped out native ladybugs. And they have their parasites to thank.但是在新环境中,小丑瓢虫却消灭了本地的瓢虫,这要归因于小丑瓢虫带来的寄生虫。
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See。We see a brown bear,我们看见一只棕色的熊,a red bird, a yellow duck,一只红色的鸟, 一只黄色的鸭子,a blue horse, a green frog,一匹蓝色的马,一只绿色的青蛙,a purple cat, a white dog,一只紫色的猫,一只白色的狗,a black sheep, a goldfish,一只黑色的羊,一条金鱼。
一. 当一句话中有并列时,前面若用outside,后面就应该用inside,而不能用in。The cat is inside the house, while the dog is outside in the yard.猫在房子里面,而狗在院子外面。