古罗马人在正月里祭祀雅努斯,罗马的执政官也在正月的第一天就职,并向雅努斯献祭。西元前46年,古罗马凯撒把正月第一天定为罗马历新年的开始,用雅努斯的名字来命名第一个月,在拉丁语中拼写为 Januarius ,英语中表示“一月”的单词 January ,便是由拉丁语 Januarius 演变而来的。
September, October, November and December are named after Roman numbers 7, 8, 9 and 10 – they were originally the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth months of the Roman year!
12个月份的英文单词及其音标如下,同时提供了一种巧记方法:January ['dʒænjuəri]:一月,记忆法提示为“箭”,一月可以联想为“一箭穿心”的月份,January中的"Jan"像中文发音的“箭”。
《Make seventy-two month waiting Variorum》recorded:This time temperatures are moderate and there is more rain, which is important for the growth of crops,if the amount of rain, not drought not waterlogging,it is good for crops growing.四月是樱花的季节,樱花用英语怎么说?