近期,美国联手台湾频频打“台独”擦边球:先是美国国务卿布林肯表示“支持台湾有意义地参与联合国系统”,随后台湾领导人蔡英文在采访中首次证实“有美军存在于台湾”,接着数名美国议员又乘坐军机“鬼鬼祟祟”窜访台湾……漫话天下丨台湾问题是红线 莫要背后耍花招The U.S.
CGTN带你聚焦全国两会】全国两会期间,代表委员齐聚北京,共商国事,擘画国家发展蓝图。#2025全国两会# #看中国# #记者团上两会# China's annual Two Sessions is a highly significant event. From innovation and sustainable development to people's livelihood, consumption issues and foreign policy – this is where the country's top lawmakers and political advisors gather in the nation's capital Beijing to brighter its future. Follow CGTN for in-depth analysis, live updates and exclusive insights into this critical political season.
3月9日14:25,中央国际电视台“The world today”(今日世界)栏目播出《China-ASEAN Trade: Direct freight train deepens trade ties between Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
原标题:以诗意镜头记录平凡故事 CGTN纪录片《珍爱之地》获海内外好评行人随手摘下树上的甜杏;女人们见面贴脸亲吻,相互问候“亚克西”;树影斑驳的葡萄藤下,老妇们悠闲地下棋对弈;一缕阳光照在院落里,塔塔尔族妈妈坐在门口给女儿编头发……CGTN系列纪录片《珍爱之地》将镜头对准新疆伊宁
#2025全国两会# #海南自贸港# #对话省部长# For seven consecutive years, the Hainan Free Trade Port has been highlighted in #China's government work reports. Now, the countdown to HFTP's independent customs operations is in full swing!
采访最后,刘小明用英语向国内外朋友发出邀请:We warmly invite all friends to visit our beautiful and open island province,for vacationing, investing or settling down.Welcome to enjoy the scenic wonders, explore future development, and share new opportunities with us together.We will do our best to make every visitor feel at home。
连续七年被写进政府工作报告,海南自由贸易港在国家发展中的位置不言而喻。今年海南自贸港的封关运作正式进入倒计时!但“封关”到底是什么意思?和“封闭”是一回事吗?听海南省省长解读!完整访谈请锁定3月10日11:30 CGTN《视点》收看!原标题:视频 | 听海南省省长解读!