A pufferfish carries poison strong enough to kill a human,河豚带有能足以杀死一个人的剧毒,but it's still served as a dish prepared by specially trained chefs after removing the potent nerve poison in its ovaries, liver, kidney, eyes, and blood.
Capybaras are social animals and are known to build relationships with other animals. Capybaras like to stay on their own, but if human or other animals try to approach them, they will never run away and will interact with them, even with large and fierce animals such as crocodiles and gorillas.
事实上,我们身边居住着众多本土野生动物,它们与我们为邻,我们却鲜少了解它们。新华日报·交汇点联合江苏省野生动植物保护站、江苏省林业科学研究院、南京市水产科学研究所、南京红山森林动物园等推出“秘境之眼·人类之友” 日历专栏,带您一起通过红外相机、动物观察者等的视角,去关注既熟悉又神秘的 “动物邻居”。
The Yangtze finless porpoise is known for its mischievous smile. In recent years, Hunan government has been committed to ecological environmental protection.
【造句】:The lion is the king of the grassland 狮子是草原之王。【造句】:The horse won the first place in the race 这匹马在比赛中得了第一名。
海洋动物walrus 海象 美 [ˈwɔlrəs]dolphin 海豚whale 鲸seal 海豹starfish 海星otter 水獭 美 [ˈɑtɚ]海洋动物sea turtle 海龟octopus 章鱼美 [ˈɑktəpəs]seagull 海鸥 英 [ si:^ʌl] s