“After physical activity, your heart is still beating faster than normal, your body temperature is higher and your blood vessels are dilated,” write the health experts at the American Heart Association. “This means if you stop too fast, you could pass out or feel sick. A cool-down after physical activity allows a gradual decrease at the end of the episode.”
社体君 四川社体 健身必拉伸!说起运动,可谓萝卜白菜各有所爱。不过,不管是进行跑步、举铁、跳舞,有一件所有人都会做的事儿,它——就是拉伸。有人说,拉伸可以瘦腿,有人说,拉伸可以放松,有人说,拉伸可以变柔韧...那么,拉伸真的有这些效果吗?拉伸到底是在拉什么?拉伸要怎么做才有效?