套 五 盆,收藏爱好者的珍宝冯彦伟地上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路。其实,套五盆也是一样。因其生产存续时间长,使用较为广泛,便堂而皇之地走进人们生活,成了留在人们心中永远的记忆。曾经作为主导产品生产了半个多世纪的陶瓷套五盆,在日常生活中已经实属罕见。陶镇的集市上也见得很少。
Sun Yat-sen's head is the founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China silver dollar. In the center of the front is the profile portrait of Sun Yat-sen. On the edge, there are 4 characters of “Republic of China” in Chinese official script, 5 characters of “founding commemorative coin” and long flowers on the left and right sides. On the back of the center is the Chinese official script “one circle” and Jiahe, the edge of the English “Republic of China”, “one circle”, the left and right respectively five-pointed star . Straight edge teeth, color 89%, commonly known as “small head”. The currency is issued as the national currency of the Republic of China. The silver dollar, the commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China, is not the same as the foundry manufacturer, the casting time is different, and the English level of the engravers is not high. In addition to the main pattern on the front and back, the floral details and English letters have variations, especially the English letters have more errors. This creates a variety of editions of the coin. There are two kinds of widely handed down: one is the five-pointed star format, one is the six-pointed star format.