极目新闻评论员 屈旌近日有网友反映,某短剧将演员李沁证件照处理成黑白当灵堂遗像使用。李沁工作室转发律师声明称,在短剧播出前及播出过程中,从未取得任何关于委托人肖像等权益的授权。请该短剧制作方尽快自查并删撤相关内容,否则将采取法律措施追究相关责任方的法律责任。
“Many artists and photographers accuse AI systems of unfairly exploiting the works of hundreds of thousands of human creators on which the systems are trained - some have even launched legal action. But others simply regard AI as just another tool, a new category of art perhaps, but no less valuable. Photography itself was once a new and, to some, threatening invention they point out.”
在AI里怎样使彩色图或者图形变为黑白?该视频由AI CC2018版本操作演示。·1.打开一个AI文档,然后把一张图片拖拉到画布中。·2.然后嵌入这张图片(要编辑一张图片一定要嵌入),选中该图片,在上方的菜单栏中点击嵌入按钮,嵌入成功的图片就看不到交叉的双线,表示嵌入成功。·3.