元音分为单元音和双元音,具体是以下这20个,分别为,单元音:[e] [ae] [a:] [כ] [כ:] [ʌ] [3:] [ə] [i] [i:] [u] [u:] 、双元音: [ei] [ai] [כi] [əu] [au] [εə] [iə] [uə] 。
a drop of water 一滴水a flood of moonlight 一片月光a wisp of smoke 一缕烟a pane of glass 一块玻璃a layer of rock 一层岩石a cloud of smoke 一团烟雾a beam of light
英语小短文有声朗读:《一个著名的科学家》A Famous ScientistThere is a famous scientist. He always thinks about his work.One day he feels hungry.
There is an apple on the desk. The apple is mine.Well, there is a girl in front of the classroom. The girl is my sister.
闪记英语单词。大家好,今天来学习单词:single。single表示单一的、单个的和单身的。这个单词来自于词根,i m表示单一的含义。它的变体有s和s a m。另外新购这个单词里面有个词通词sing,sing表示唱歌的含义。可以想象一个人在这里唱歌。