请点击右上角蓝色“+关注”,关注阿卡索少儿英语头条号,及时接收精彩内容。看视频学英语!小朋友们在家有没有因为睡懒觉,被妈妈催起床的情况呢?今天我们需要学习的情景对话围绕的就是"Waking Someone Up 叫醒某人"的主题,对话内容很短,但是知识点很多喔!
1.What time do you get up in the morning?你早上什么时候起床?2.I should get up earlier.我应该早点起床。3.I always rise with the bell.我总是听到铃声起床。4.
1. Wakey, wakey! 醒醒啦!2. Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey! 醒醒啦,鸡蛋培根早餐来啦!Bakey是bacon,培根一词的变形,为了和前面的wakey押韵。3. Rise and shine! 起来啦,打起精神!4.
贴近生活的话题,才是和孩子学习英语的最好时机,今天我们的话题是早晨叫宝贝起床。Topic One 话题一:早晨,上学前的忙碌Hurry up. Time is running out. 别磨蹭,没时间了。
ACT 1 作息起居SCENE 1 该起床了。It's time to get up.It's time...(是......的时候了)早上的时候,有很多妈妈都会拍拍孩子的肩膀说:"该起床了", 那么,这句话用英文要怎么说呢?就是"It's time...
1,I wake up 我醒来2,I get up 我起床3,I get out of bed 我起床4,My eyes are puffy 我的眼睛是肿的5,I turn off my cell phone alarm 我关掉我的手机闹钟6,My alarm goes off
1. 该起床了!It's time to get up! / It's time to wake up!It's time to get out of bed.It's time to get ready.2. 快点儿起床!Get up soon.3. 我真不想起。
经典句型:It's time to get up.该起床了。A: It's time to get up.B: What time is it?A: lt,s seven o'clock.甲:该起床了。乙:现在几点了?甲:7点了。
1. Hello! (How do you do?) 你好!2. How are you?-I'm fine. Thank you. and you?你好吗?我很好。谢谢,你呢?3.Be brave,please. 请勇敢一点。4. Excuse me。(sorry.
寒假英语 | 情景对话+高频短语恭贺新年1.恭贺新年Happy New Year to you.2.生意兴隆Business flourishes.3.恭喜发财Congratulations and prosperity.4.万事如意Everything goes well.5.
CHAPTER 04-13 睡前打招呼1.I's time to goto bed. 上床睡觉的时间到了。2.It's dark outside.It's time to go to sleep. 外面很暗,该去睡觉了。3.Mom, I'm not tired yet.
./Yes, it‘s...here. 我是....4、打电话请对方找人或留言:Is...in/at home? 某某在家吗?/ Can/may/could I speak to..., please?请...接电话好吗?/ Will/would you give a messa
目录●Gettingup 起床A.赖床B.闹钟响了C.睡得好么?D.做梦E.熬夜F.起床后●GettingDressed 穿着A. 选衣服B. 穿衣服a.Putting on a Shirt 穿上一件衬衫b.穿上一条裤子/一双鞋C.