but many of the symbols, word-plays and secret patterns with which the novel abounds seem to be used out of sheer ebullience, as though the author was playing some sort of game with himself and did not much care whether he was observed or not.Many such subtleties will, I fear, have vanished in translation.My one abiding principle has been to translate EVERYTHING-even puns. For although this is, in the sense I have already indicated, an ‘unfinished'novel, it was written and rewritten by a great artist with his very lifeblood. I have therefore assumed that whatever I find in it is there for a purpose and must be dealt with somehow or other. I cannot pretend always to have done so successfully, but if I can convey to the reader even a fraction of the pleasure this Chinese novel has given me, I shall not lived in vain.霍克斯花费十年光阴翻译《红楼梦》,是中国文学外译的精品,也是对中国文化的巨大贡献,功德无量。
光明日报记者 杨艺明60年前,一位斯洛伐克姑娘凭着对中文的浓厚兴趣,克服重重困难,拿到了查理大学的录取通知书,正式开始了探寻中国文化的不凡之旅。如今,勇敢追梦的大学生已经著作等身,成为当代斯洛伐克中国研究的重要奠基者和扛鼎学者。