文 | 观律鸣法编辑 | 一夜舟....声明:本文内容均引用权威资料结合个人观点进行撰写,文末已标注文献来源及截图,请知悉。国际形势一直以来诡谲多变,极为复杂,一个国家想要在世界立足,安稳度日,就得拥有强大的实力,否则只有任人宰割的份儿。
A survey by YouGov, reported in January last year, found that our Government’s performance in the category of law and order was the most highly rated, with 77% giving the assessment of “good” or “excellent”. It is a delicate balance, I agree, to strike between upholding individual rights and enhancing societal safety and security. Our criminal justice system seeks to balance the interests and protection of the individual, with the welfare of the general community.