重点单词学习:as disciplind as possible 尽可能自律feeling of entrapment 压迫感buzz v. 嗡嗡响hive n.蜂房aspiration n.抱负apporach v. 接近bee eggs 蜂卵sting v.
作者:宣晶 孙彦扬微短剧到底有多火?从以下几组数据中可窥一斑:快手平台7月短剧日活用户达3亿,每日观看10集以上的用户约1.4亿,同比增长55.3%;抖音短剧比去年同期,付费用户增长10倍,付费金额增长5倍。
I had spent two years in Xinhe before I went abroad, learning how to be a better student, better teenager,and better person from Mr. Sun Jian.
China's Ministry of Civil Affairs has called for efforts to explore an “internet plus” monitoring mode as well as the application of other new technologies to enhance elderly care services.