不少于80个单词。Lily is a high school student. She wants to be a professional actress. As a volunteer , she often volunteers her time。
Some have even questioned the story about the apple that fell on Newton’s head and led him to come up with his theory of gravity. 有些人甚至质疑那个苹果掉到牛顿头上导致他提出万有引力理论的故事。
一、COLOUR (颜色)1blue 蓝色(的)2green 绿色(的)3red 红色(的)4yellow黄色(的)5orange橘色(的)6purple紫色(的)7white 白色(的)8black 黑色(的)9brown 棕色(的)二、SCHOOL (学校)10school
WelcomHi [haɪ]嘿,喂,你好I [aɪ]我Be[biː] (am [æm], is [ɪz], are[ɑː])是what [wɒt] 什么your [jɔː] 你的;你们的name [neɪm] 名字hello [həˈləʊ]喂,哈啰,你好my [maɪ]我的go