Meanwhile, consumer confidence fell the most to start a year since 2009, and a separate consumer sentiment report last month registered the biggest decline since records began in 1978. That’s a problem because consumer spending makes up more than two-thirds of America’s economic activity.
中国驻美大使馆将林剑的回应用英语在社交媒体上单发,一句“Any war, be it trade war, tariff war or even hot war, China will fight till the end!”,让西方舆论炸锅。
特朗普政府对中国产品加征20%关税后,中国也做出相应反制措施。在周二晚上特朗普国会演讲中,特朗普再次提到4月2日将会实施报复性关税。与此同时,中方也回应将奉陪到底。中国驻美大使馆也贴文表示“We’re ready to fight till the end !
前些日子,在面对美国公布的对华再次加征10%关税的霸权行径时,中国不仅厉声给出了中文回应,还在外网发布了英文版本的声明:“If the U.S. has other agenda in mind and if war is what the U.S. wants, be it a tariff war, a trade war or any other type of war, we’re ready to fight till the end.”
声明写道:“If war is what the U.S. wants, be it a tariff war, a trade war or any other type of war, we’re ready to fight till the end”