新华社 北京时间17日上午,美国太空探索技术公司的新一代重型运载火箭“星舰”第七次试飞,火箭第一级助推器成功回收,但第二级飞船快速解体。“星舰”用于执行阿耳忒弥斯载人航天计划,是搭载美国宇航员重返月球的交通工具。
阿波罗登月的事实,中国政府早已承认,近日嫦娥六号任务发射,个别媒体,把断章取义的解说罗列成证据 ,造成阿波罗登月地根本没有发现美国人的足迹,也再次把上个世纪六十年代,美国载人登月的“真假”推向舆论的焦点!
Apollo, also called the Apollo basin, is an enormous impact crater located in the southern hemisphere on the far side of the Moon. This formation dwarfs the large crater Oppenheimer that is located next to the western rim. The crater Barringer lies across the northern wall. To the southeast is the crater Anders, and Kleymenov is just to the east of the rim.