To be absorbed through the skin, a chemical must pass through the epidermis, glands, or hair follicles. Sweat glands and hair follicles make up about 0.1 to 1.0 percent of the total skin surface. Though small amounts of chemicals may enter the body rapidly through the glands or hair follicles, they are primarily absorbed through the epidermis. Chemicals must pass through the seven cell layers of epidermis before entering the dermis where they can enter the blood stream or lymph and circulate to other areas of the body. Toxins and toxicants can move through the layers by passive diffusion. The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the epidermis and the rate-limiting barrier in。
本文来源于 爱盘串版权归原作者所有什么是极品包浆?那当然是包浆浓厚,色如玛瑙,红的流油!就像美味的饭一样,色香味俱全,缺一不可。在文玩圈,虽说极品包浆是每个文玩人的共同追求,但是,并不是所有人都能盘出来的,总有一些人在追求包浆这条路上出了点意外。