Such tactics reek of populism. In effect, they seek to diminish institutions while elevating Mr Musk’s own stature as Twitter’s saviour.
If 2020 was the year of the covid-19 explosion, 2021 will go down as the one in which the world struggled to get back to normal. The words of the year—chosen by dictionary publishers, other linguistic outfits and sometimes this column—reflect the disconcerting mix of familiarity and strangeness.
If you ask something of ChatGPT, an artificialintelligence tool that is all the rage, the responses you get back are almost instantaneous, utterly certain and often wrong.
来源:环球时报 英国《经济学人》杂志12月14日文章,原题:富裕国家的政客为何正在放弃经济增长?如今,衰退前景笼罩全球经济,富裕国家正在面临更严峻的增长困境。富裕国家经济增长率的下降幅度惊人,导致了包括生活水平停滞不前、民粹主义者激增等在内的各种问题。
来源:环球时报 英国《经济学人》8月15日文章,原题:“成人孩童化”的兴起年轻女性兴高采烈地滑入一个充满巨大塑料“气泡”的假浴缸里。在一个无论是外观还是声音都设计得像爆米花机的房间内,一袋袋爆米花被分发出去。
and it is a fact that a vast majority of China’s political leaders come from ordinary backgrounds. Quite to the contrary, many Americans seem to believe that their government is captured by monied interests and formed by an elite oligarchy. As for the last part, “for the people”, China is way ahead on outcomes.
来源:环球时报 英国《经济学人》3月27日文章,原题:被裁掉的科技员工都去了哪里?科技行业的就业已经达到拐点,马克·扎克伯格2月称,2023年将是“效率之年”。3月14日,由他掌舵的科技巨头Meta宣布将在去年11月裁员1.1万人的基础上,再次裁员1万人。
根据《经济学人》数据,日本连续第七年在“玻璃天花板”指数(The glass-ceiling index)排名中位列倒数第二。该指数反映了一国劳动女性所处的环境。据日本共同社3月8日报道,《经济学人》在“三八”国际妇女节前夕发布了2022年的上述指数。