例如:A: I want to buy that dress, but it’s too expensive. 我想买那件裙子,但是太贵了。一些实用的小贴士,让你在使用这些y开头的英语口语表达时更加自信和流利。
导语:笑一笑十年少!幽默感(sense of humour) 是西方文化中十分重要的部分。你有 sense of humour 吗?Humour是指幽默风趣的特质。A sense of humour 是感受或理解到让你开怀大笑的事情的能力,也就是我们说的幽默感。
A: What is the most contradictory sign in a library?问:图书馆里最矛盾的提示是什么?B: Speaking aloud is not allowed.答:不许大声说话。
A Jew, an Indian and a black were lined up to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.一位犹太人、一位印第安人和一位黑人列队进入天国之门。Said the Jew to St.
”A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired/too tired“”What happens to a frog park illegally?
那如果我们在平时的日常生活中,想要夸赞一个人“比较幽默、搞笑,有风趣”呢,一般这时候,老外们经常会用到跟 “ funny ” 长得特别像的另外的一个单词,叫作:fun -- afj. 有趣的。注意:这个词组一般在用来形容人的时候,通常指的是:这个人“有点疯癫,精神失常”这样的意思!
Men will take almost any kind of criticism except the observation that they have no sense of humor. A man will admit to being a coward or a liar or a thief or a poor mechanic or a bad swimmer, but tell him he has a dreadful sense of humor and you might as well have slandered his mother.考虑到一千万人中没有一个人能就什么是幽默或他为什么笑给出一个明智的答案,这就更令人惊讶了。