表1SCLC中正在进行的免疫治疗临床研究 参考文献:1. Iams WT, Porter J, Horn L. Immunotherapeutic approaches for small-cell lung cancer [published online ahead of p
INGN-225是一种p53修饰的腺病毒转录树突状细胞疫苗,一项Ⅰ/ Ⅱ期研究探讨了 INGN-225 在小细胞肺癌治疗中的作用,结果显示 INGN-225 可诱导显著的免疫应答,并使SCLC 患者对随后的化疗敏感,且其安全性良好。
Dr. Byers: I think ASCO 2024 is a really exciting meeting for those of us who treat patients who have lung cancer. There are several new advances that I think will continue to change how we can take care of patients. First, we are seeing drugs that we routinely use in more advanced metastatic lung cancers being brought into earlier stages of cancers, and really providing further benefit for patients who have either completed surgery or had radiation. In addition, I think we have some very exciting new therapeutics. For example, tarlatamab, which is a DLL3, bispecific, T-cell engager, was recently approved for advanced small cell lung cancer. And we will hear several studies that are ongoing currently with new antibody-drug conjugates that are looking promising for small cell lung cancer as well.
阿斯利康在今日举办的2024年美国临床肿瘤学会(ASCO)全体会议上公布,ADRIATIC III期临床试验的高水平阳性结果表明,与安慰剂相比,阿斯利康的英飞凡(通用名:度伐利尤单抗)在标准治疗同步放化疗(cCRT)后未出现进展的局限期小细胞肺癌(LS-SCLC)患者中,双主要研
参考文献:1.Rudin CM, Liu SV, Lu S, et. al. SKYSCRAPER-02: primary results of a phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study of atezolizumab + carboplatin + etoposide with or without tiragolumab in patients with untreated extensive-stage small cell lung cancer . J Clin Oncol. 2022;
发现无论EGFR突变类型如何,与PD-L1低表达或无表达相比,PD-L1高表达的NSCLC患者客观缓解率ORR显着降低,分别为35.7%vs 63.2%vs 67.3%,且无进展生存期PFS明显缩短 PFS为 3.8 vs 6.0 vs 9.5个月。