比如,我们可以这样说:It depends. On the condition they are all correct, it is really a good way of learning history as it can arouse interest of children. But sometimes they are not that exact about detailed facts, then it’s better to refer to the reliable books to confirm.
Q:What do you do when you are with your friends?A:Since I am a student living in a dormitory at school, I spend most of my time with my friends. My closest friend and I have a mutual interest in that we always have a thirst for reading books. So whenever we have time, we will talk about different books together. Sometimes when we have different ideas about a book, we will think more about it from other perspectives to open our minds.年了。
Q: Which family member is the closest to you?A: My father is the most important person for me in my family. Because we are the only men in the family, we often have the same ideas about many things. I also like to share some interesting things with him. Whenever I have a problem, he is always the first one to help me solve it by giving advice or taking direct actions. He has provided a good living condition and a great educational opportunity for me since I was a child. I love my father very much.
在过去的几年里,那些匪夷所思的电影情节都变成了现实,我对未来和机器人一起生活充满了好奇。A: Well, I don’t agree with this viewpoint, though definitely robots will play a more important role in the workplace. As far as I am concerned, there will appear a new form of division of labour, which means that humans take the creative or nonmanual work, while robots take the mechanical or manual ones. However, this surely will result in some social problems such as unemployment. To what extent we shall employ robots will be a controversial topic for our society, but surely it will not be a complete replacement.
A: Well, I think jewellery plays a significant dual role in many senses. First, jewellery is a kind of accessory that decorates my dark-coloured dressing. It makes me look gorgeous. Second, jewellery may stand for some status, not only financially but also for the sense of fashion or classiness. On the other side, jewellery has its disadvantageous side. For example, sometimes people may irrationally purchase some unaffordable jewellery, which will lead to financial problems.
A: I am most fond of comedy, action and fantasy moviesas they bring the greatest joy and excitement. Comedy films allow me to laugh and forget about the troubles in my life. Action movies create suspense and make the experience thrilling. Fantasy films attempt to predict the future and create curious thoughts about what will happen in a few decades or centuries.
比如,如果考试时抽到的话题是介绍家乡的博物馆,但自己的家乡并没有博物馆,这时候大家就可以先明确地告诉考官“To be honest, there is no museum in my hometown.”。
—To be honest with you, I’m really into parties because, you know, I almost go to parties every two days. 这个回答中的每隔两天去一次派对仅仅算是结果,不能作为喜欢去的原因。
有奖调查:参与教育APP使用调查赢iPhone6 plus有奖评测:寻找最好教育APP(中小学 外语 考试)投票:2014中国教育盛典各大奖项投票进行中资讯:新浪教育2014“中国教育盛典”盛大启动2014年11月27日 北京富力万丽酒店APEC马上就要来啦,这期间同学们都是怎样
Q1:Can you describe one of the schools you have been to?I enjoy my primary school most due to the fact that it was a carefree time for my friends and me. We often played many games after school to enjoy our free time. Moreover, we didn’t have as much homework compared to senior students and had fewer worries to think about.
口语在外语中都是一个最重要的部分,也是一个难点,雅思口语要拿高分不容易,但凡是都由规律可循,雅思口语也有拿高分的应试技巧,多说多积累素材还要讲究方法面,以下的口语常考话题可以帮助考生们进行考前突击哦。常考话题1:工作1.Are you working or studying?
其实吧,奇葩话题在part1-part3都有,但是,往往你会发现很多奇葩问题都出现在part 3……特别是当你遇到了一个逗比考官,在他自由发挥的时候,你就很有可能遇到各种奇葩问题,然后开始各种懵逼……1.中国在哪里看星星比较好,什么鬼!
e.g. I began to realise that Internet play an important role in our lives and I learned a lot fromit. 我开始意识到互联网在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色,并且我从互联网上学到很多东西。