特别是偷偷地或不出声地缓慢向前爬行。由此引申表达由于恐惧、厌恶等而起鸡皮疙瘩、毛发直竖。例:Don't take it personally. It's mostly just because you creep me out.
1 She howled long and loud like a ferocious wolf and then jumped at Buck.2 She went home in a flood of tears.她泪如泉涌地回家去了。
1. accept - 接受2. achieve - 实现、达成3. act - 行动、表演4. add - 加、增加5. admire - 钦佩、羡慕6. admit - 承认、允许进入7. adopt - 采用、收养8. advise - 建议、忠告9.
常有小可爱在后台提问:读后续写要怎样写才能拿高分,这次先让四木问几个小问题。你是否在叙写时,形容人物的情绪心理时用sb. feel xx,描述人物眼前场景时用sb. see xx,老是用“人物+动作/情绪动词”?