SVD是线性代数中既优雅又强大的工具, 它揭示了矩阵最本质的变换. 使用SVD对矩阵进行分解, 能得到代表矩阵最本质变化的矩阵元素. 这就好比一个合数能表示为若干质数之积, 分解合数能得到表示该合数的质因数;
AMD-Xilinx Vitis™ Model Composer 是一个基于模型的设计工具,不仅可在 MathWorks MATLAB® 和 Simulink® 环境中进行快速设计探索,而且还可通过自动代码生成在AMD- Xilinx 器件上加速投产进程。
As a powerful, easy-to-use and flexible computational tool, MATLAB not only has a wide range of applications in science and engineering, but also plays an important role in education and research. Its rich functionality, easy-to-use interface and extensive support make it one of the preferred tools in many fields. With MATLAB, users can easily perform complex mathematical operations, data analysis and algorithm development, which promotes the development and innovation of science and technology.
三、实现代码:1、读取获得灰度图片:src_Gray= new Mat;bitmap_Gray = BitmapConverter.ToBitmap;pictureBox1.Image = bitmap_Gray;2、二值化灰度图片:Cv2.Threshold;bitmap_Th