On the other hand, someone's fate is usually different from someone's destiny. One's fate means either their demise or the condition they end up in . One's destiny is what they are supposed to do according to destiny/fate, as in “It was his destiny to be king.” This usually has a positive meaning.
豪放词初期发展曲折,曾饱受非议;经苏轼大力提倡,方开豪放之风;靖康之变,内忧外患,才发展迅猛;辛弃疾集豪放词大成,成就巅峰;苏轼、辛弃疾、岳飞,谁与争锋?#我在头条搞创作第二期# #头条创作挑战赛#10《渔家傲·天接云涛连晓雾》李清照天接云涛连晓雾,星河欲转千帆舞。
星河 山川 草木 烟雨 春风 春花 秋月 霜霰 惊涛 啼鸟 荷香 凝露 梧桐 缺月 月影 水波 寒江 清风 夜雨 秋凉 乌啼 青山 落日 孤鸿 芙蓉 雨露 冰雪 沧浪 银河 三月 早莺 浅草 碧松 蕉叶 飞虹 江南 芳草 蝉噪 桃花 明月 晚霞 春深 深溪 鹤唳 百川 兰草 烟霞 紫鸢。