The world suchness describes reality as it is. Concepts and ideas are incapable of expressing reality as it is. Nirvana, the ultimate reality cannot be described, because it is free of all concepts and ideas. Nirvana is the extinction of all concepts. Most of our sufferings arises from our ideas and concepts. If you are able to free yourself from these concepts, anxiety and fear will disappear. Nirvana, the ultimate reality, or God, is of the nature of no-birth and no-death. lt is total freedom.
■ 杨江波现藏于哈佛大学燕京图书馆的《海表奇观》是一部描写海南风土人情的古籍,作者为“古谭吏隐主人”。古人常将海南岛称为“海外”,“海表”所指正是“海外”,也就是海南岛。所谓“海表奇观”,可以理解为海南岛上奇特、美丽、罕见的景象与事物。