my family家庭自我介绍英语案例:在英语中,你可以这样介绍你的家庭成员:“My family is made up of four members. First, there's my father, who works as a doctor. He's a very caring and hardworking person. Then there's my mother, who is a teacher. She's very patient and loves to help others. I also have a younger brother who is in high school. He's very active and loves to play soccer. Lastly, there's me. I'm currently studying at university and I'm interested in art and music. We all live together in a cozy house in the city.”
人教四年级英语作文Myfamily 我的家人Hello! My name is Lily. I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. My father, my mother, my brother an
二胎时代许多人过上了一家四口的日子“我家有四口人”可谓一句标准版的介绍语一起来看看英文怎么说吧01“我家有四口人”英文怎么说?My family has four people.(x)这样的表达简直太中式了。
从今天开始我们拿一些经典教材的短文进行语法系统的分享,这样可以把语法进行活学活用,更加精准地去分析出来和理解起来。首先我们来看今天分享的一篇小短文,主题是My family:My father is a teacher.He works during the day.
I am Tom. I’m eleven years old. I live near the school. I go to school every day.我是汤姆。我十一岁了。我住在学校附近,我每天都去上学。
Look,Yiya.-看,伊亚。-That's my family on the beach.-在海滩上的是我家人。-Who are they?-他们是谁?-He's my grandpa.And she's my grandma.-他是我爷爷,她是我奶奶。
在介绍家庭成员之间关系时分为了两部分,前半部分与其他绘本无异,从介绍自己到父母到祖父母再到叔叔阿姨以及他们的孩子为止,一般的书到这里就结束了,而这本书的特色就在于到了这里话锋一转,抛出一个问题“HowI came to be?”,由此带着小读者们再梳理一遍刚才的关系,当然这次的顺