【环球时报记者 白云怡 单劼 王盼盼】美国驻华大使馆网站1日发布“暂停中国某些非移民学生和研究人员入境”的通知,转述美国总统特朗普5月29日发布的公告,禁止或限制持F类和J类签证赴美学习或研究、“与中国军方有关联”的中国学生或研究人员入境。
NPR reported that Aaron spent the last seven years in the United States, first as a high school student and now as a rising college senior in sociology, until he received an email from the U.S. State Department earlier this month.
Local media outlets reported that the UNT has ended its relationship with the Chinese Scholarship Council and required the students who received funding from the CSC to leave the country within a month. The university on August 26 revoked visas of the visiting scholars.
【文/观察者网 齐倩】2022年2月,美国总统拜登宣布中止了特朗普政府时期的“中国行动计划”(China Initiative)。一转眼两年多过去了,但这一臭名昭著的计划却“没有消失”,至今仍阴魂不散。