英文翻译:The Reign of Xianfeng coincided with the climax of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom revolution. At this time, the public anger boiling, the Qing government financial straitened, the Treasury empty. Making a fuss about coin minting, transferring the financial crisis to the common people. Various coins such as “Xianfeng Tongbao”, “Xianfeng Heavy Treasure” and “Xianfeng Yuanbao” have been cast successively. Due to the revolution of the Taiping Kingdom and the outbreak of the Opium War, it was difficult for the money bureaus to make money normally, and many provincial money bureaus were actually in a state of stop making money.
宝源局是明清两朝铸造钱币的机构,为中央铸币局,由六部中的工部管辖,其和户部的下属的宝泉局并称“中央二局”,其自清处直至宣统二年 均有铸造货币,其中尤以咸丰时期所铸大钱最为著名,咸丰时期所铸货币分为:通宝、重宝、元宝等三类,其中最大面值者即为:咸丰元宝当千大钱,其按照铸币性质可以分为:普版、样币、母钱、雕母等三类,今天我们便来欣赏一枚:清“咸丰元宝”宝源局当千普版大钱。
lot 001,清代1853年咸丰元宝当千,宝泉局,背星月母钱,直径:62.7mm,重量:86.6克,厚度:4.6mm,公博 美90,Howard F.Bowker 藏品,CHINA-QING Dynasty 1853 Hsien-feng Yuan-pao 1000 Cash, Board of Revenue, Mother Coin, with moon and star pattern, Diameter:62.7mm, Weight:86.6g,Height:4.6mm, GBCA UNC90, H.F.Bowker East Asia Collection。