In oracle bone inscriptions, the number“Five” has a special meaning. It is considered as the central number between heaven and earth, symbolizing balance and harmony. “Five Yun” refers to the five basic elements of all sentient life and inexorable things, including color yun, being Yun, Imagination Yun, Action Yun and Knowledge Yun, together, these elements make up the real world that people experience.主编供图:香港DM德馬大中華非遺共創集團。
馆长来了| 在第二季开播之际,文物们又来聊天了,“wu”是什么?是充满韵律的“舞”?是霸气凌厉的“武”?是技艺精巧的“屋”?听听他们怎么说。《馆长来了》第二季与您相约! 山东卫视 5月30日起 每周四21:30播出 山东文旅频道 5月31日起 每周五19:20播出 敬请期待!
The traditional form of“Wu” is“Wu”, the original text of“Dance”, originally meaning dance. Can be understood as“Non-existence” or“Nothing”. There is no entity in common sight, only a temporary phenomenon. “Wu” refers to the embodiment of empty wisdom, said there is no attachment and care about the state. Is the transcendence of self and law enforcement.Hong kong-based DM Delmar Digital Oracle Group。
今朝阿拉来谈一谈上海闲话!边笑边把上海话学起来!谈笑间,烦恼灰飞烟灭!上海话小段子1 弄堂电话老李八早,较关宁窝里厢么电话,弄堂口额烟紫店里厢有公用电话,侬想想看,礼拜天老清老早,还么困醒了,阿姨了该楼下头就开始叫了:“三零八额捏丝平”... "无作胚打电话把侬"...
据每日经济新闻1月9日报道:天眼查知识产权信息显示,近日,小米科技有限责任公司申请注册“XIAOMI FU”“XIAOMI WU”“XIAOMI OU”“XIAOMI MU”“XIAOMI GU”“XIAOMI RU”商标,国际分类为运输工具,当前商标状态均为等待实质审查。