在跨文化交流的奇妙旅程中,语言不仅是沟通的桥梁,更是文化的镜子。然而,有时一句看似简单的问候或询问,却可能蕴含着截然不同的含义与文化背景。今天,我们就来揭秘一个常见的误解——“How old are you”并非仅仅是在问你“多大了”,其背后可能隐藏着更复杂的社交礼仪与文化差异。
B: Yeah, it's about time.是的,早就该找到了。常用句子结构:It's about time ...例:It's about time the school improved its food service.
单词巩固1 what [hwɔt] pron 什么2 is [iz] v 是3 what's [hwɔts] what is 的缩写形式4 your [juə] pron 你的,你们的5 name [neim] n 名字6 my [mai] pron 我的7 I
Class begins at 8:00, there are _ in the classroom at 7:30.3. There is __ water in the cup, you can drink it.