其实,在歪果仁眼里,dumpling是这样一种东西:Dumpling is a broad classification for a dish that consists of small pieces of dough,wrapped around a filling.
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.
单词巩固1 what [hwɔt] pron 什么2 is [iz] v 是3 what's [hwɔts] what is 的缩写形式4 your [juə] pron 你的,你们的5 name [neim] n 名字6 my [mai] pron 我的7 I
93.temper /'tempə/ n. 脾气。94.territory /'terItəri/ n. 领土,领域,范围。95.totem /'təʊtəm/ n. 图腾,崇拜物。96.transfer /træns'fɜː/ n. 转让,转移;
可是,当外国记者问起她吃的是什么时,我们的冠军选手却犯了难,“韭菜盒子”用英语应该怎么说呢?下面看一个例句:These Chinese Chive Pockets make a perfect snack. The super crispy and thin dough is stuffed with a hearty, savory filling made with Chinese chives and scrambled eggs.
小伙伴们过年好!大年三十,双语君给大家准备了一份年味十足的大礼!九十九个喜气洋洋的春节英文词汇!过年要用的词汇都被我们承包啦!快快收藏!新 春 佳 节1. 传统中国节日:traditional Chinese festival2. 农历:lunar calendar3.
Chaoshou omits the broth and instead serves the dumplings coated in a fiery aromatic sauce. Make it with garlic, vinegar, and a homemade oil infused with roasted chilies and Sichuan peppercorns for their signature mouth-numbing heat.抄手省去了汤汁,而是在饺子上涂上一层辛香的酱汁。