NASA在早期的研究报告中这样介绍F111A的进气道,The test airplane had two external compression inlets beneath the wing-fuselage junctures. These inlets were approximately quarter-round segments of axially symmetric inlets, and each provided airflow to one of the engines through separate ducts about 4.11 meters long. The inlets incorporated variable geometry to attain inlet-engine airflow matching and to adjust the amount of compression throughout the operating range. Inlet geometry together with the free-stream Mach number and airflow demand of the engines fixed the position of the compression shock system.
本文作者:大兵众所周知,美国人在二战结束后偷师了纳粹未实现的P-1101,从而发现了可变后掠翼的秘密。在贝尔的X-5验证机试飞仅仅1年后,格鲁曼为海军研究的 XF10F-1也加入了刷经验的行列...▲(下图)X-5验证了机翼后掠角度与不同速度下飞行品质的关系。