每经记者:程雅 每经编辑:张海妮8月26日晚,恒为科技(603496.SH,股价20.13元,市值64.46亿元)回复了2023年年报信息披露监管工作函,其中,对公司智算业务进行了说明。公告显示,恒为科技2023年年末预付款项余额为5.2亿元,较上期期末的0.
每经记者:王晶 每经编辑:董兴生近日,苹果公司在其官网公布了2023财年的供应商名单,该名单中的公司包含了苹果在2023财年全球产品材料、制造和组装方面的98%直接支出。由于苹果公司在全球消费电子行业的市场地位,它每一次对外披露供应商名单,都会引起广泛关注。
Mergers and acquisitions by first-tier suppliers, referred to as the supply base, are dynamic and drastic changes in supply chain structure and relationships that affect focal firm performance. In particular, the impact of M&As in a supply base depends on the concentration and differentiation of the supply base, which affects power–dependence relationships in the supply chain. This study examines the effect of supply base M&As on focal firms’ cost of goods sold . In addition, this study explores the role of power relationships by investigating the moderating effects of supply base concentration and differentiation. Using secondary panel data assembled from four different data sources, this study constructs econometric models and empirically examines the relationship between supply base M&As and focal firm cost efficiency. Our findings indicate that supply base M&As are positively associated with focal firm COGS. This result suggests that potential efficiency gains from M&As in supply bases may not translate to benefits for the focal firm because suppliers may also gain bargaining power from M&As.;
每经记者:王晶 每经编辑:陈俊杰近日,苹果公司在官网公布了2023财年的供应商名单,该名单中的公司包含了苹果在2023财年全球产品材料、制造和组装方面98% 的直接支出。由于苹果公司在全球消费电子行业的市场地位,它每一次对外披露供应商名单,都会引起广泛关注。
本报记者 李玉洋 上海报道毋庸置疑,苹果公司是供应链管理的大师。近日,苹果公司在其官网公布了其2023财年的供应商名单,该名单中的公司包含了苹果在2023财年全球产品材料、制造和组装方面的98%直接支出。此份“果链”名单的发出,深入影响着国内消费电子行业:哪些上榜了?